CODB Topline Calculator

Cost of Doing Business (CODB) Topline Calculator Explained:

(a) What is this? A calculator to assist you determine your the cost of doing business as a percentage of turnover.

(b) What does this tell me? What your Cost Of Doing Business is. It is up to you to dtermine whether your costs are increasing or decreasing.

(c) Why should I use it? To determine your CODB. Most businesses will monitor their costs to see if they are increasing or decreasing. Costs increasing is no issue as long as the costs are increasing at a decreasing rate and Net Profit is increasing.

(d) Caution: Firstly, this measure assumes you are including ALL of your costs. You will need to make sure while you contain costs, you must keep a close eye on the Net Profit as this is actually how much money you are making. This calculator doesn't tell you if your costs are too high or not, it just tells you what the percentage of CODB is. Take the advice of your professional financial advisor or accountant when establishing costs and Net Profit figures and details. You use this calculator at your risk.

CODB Topline Calculator