Cost Per Impression (CPM) Calculator

Cost Per Impression Calculator Explained:

(a) What is this? This calculator reflects the cost per 1,000 impressions on a website.

(b) What does it tell me? One impression is when an ad is displayed for view on a page. In general, more impressions leads to more clicks.

(c) Why should I use it? To assess how impactful the advertising is being. Most ad software tracks the number of times an is shown. This calculator is a simple way to assess the cost per thousand and determine the effectiveness of your campaign.

(d) Caution: Be careful not to include GST/VAT at any stage. Make sure you have accurate information for the number of impressions, ensuring it is not the number of clicks. Note that the CPM number reflects the cost per thousand. The calculator does not indicate whether the cost is high, fair or low. This is a decision you make. Use this calculator at your risk.

Cost Per Impression (CPM) Calculator