GMROII Deal Estimator

GMROII - Deal Comparison Explained:

(a) What is this? Deal comparison allows you to compare offers on differet products and different price reductions and deals.

(b) What does this tell me? This calculator allows you to compare product deals and offers. It allows you to include a discount from the supplier/vendor. It tells you how the two scenario's compare. It doesn't necessarily mean you should reject the deal if the deal does not appear to be better than your original situation, but it does mean you need to be careful if you take the deal because you will have to increase the stock turns to make the deal work. It is at your discretion whether to accept the investment opportunity or not.

(c) Why should I use it? This compares whether an offer on a product is worth considering or not.

(d) Caution: This calculator may not include all the elements of a deal. The calculator allows you to compare different products offers/deals from a supplier/vendor. This calculator does not recommend that you accept or reject deals based on the information you have provided here. It is only one ingredient in your decisons making. The calculator does not consider information such as market conditions, weather, economic conditions, competitive situation, promotional activity or seasonality. This is only one element in your decision making process. Any decisions are at your risk.

GMROII Deal Estimator

Scenario 1



Scenario 2
