GMROS Category Comparison

GMROS Category Comparison Calculator Explained:

(a) What is this? This calculator lets you assess the relative space performance of different categories.

(b) What does it tell me? The GP$ performance per linear metre of space for categories. You can either use this to determine the performance between categories, or the same category between stores.

(c) Why should I use it? To either assess the performance of different categories within a store, or the same category in different stores. There is also the ability to measure the impact of changes you have made by looking at the additional time frames to see if the changes have worked.

(d) Caution: This comparison needs to used with enormous care. It doesn't necessarily tell you to increase or decrease space for a category, or raise or lower prices. There a vast number of factors impacting category performance. Any decisions you make are entirely at your risk.

GMROS Category Comparison
  Last Year This Year
Date Profit $ Linear Metres GMROS Profit $ Linear Metres GMROS
+ 9 months
+ 12 months
+ 15 months
+ 18 months
+ 21 months
+ 24 months